E. Barth,
Vom geometrischen {K}rümmungsbegriff zur systemtheoretischen {A}nalyse von zweidimensionalen {B}ildmerkmalen, Diploma Thesis, Lehrstuhl für Nachrichtentechnik der TU München, 1989.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {E. Barth},
title = {Vom geometrischen {K}r{\"u}mmungsbegriff zur systemtheoretischen {A}nalyse von zweidimensionalen {B}ildmerkmalen},
year = {1989},
type = {Diploma Thesis},
school = {Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r Nachrichtentechnik der TU M{\"u}nchen}

H. Ritter, T. Martinetz, and K. Schulten,
Topology-{C}onserving {M}aps for {M}otor {C}ontrol, in Neural Networks, from Models to Applications , L. Personnaz and G. Dreyfus, Eds. EZIDET, 1989. pp. 579--591.
Datei: RiMaSc89b.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. Ritter and T. Martinetz and K. Schulten},
title = {Topology-{C}onserving {M}aps for {M}otor {C}ontrol},
editor = {L. Personnaz and G. Dreyfus},
booktitle = {Neural Networks, from Models to Applications},
publisher = {EZIDET},
pages = {579--591},
year = {1989},
url = {https://www.inb.uni-luebeck.de/fileadmin/files/publications/inb-publications/pdfs/RiMaSc89b.pdf}

H. Ritter, T. Martinetz, and K. Schulten,
Topology-{C}onserving {M}aps for {L}earning {V}isuo-{M}otor-{C}oordination, Neural Networks , vol. 2, pp. 159--168, 1989.
Datei: RiMaSc89a.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. Ritter and T. Martinetz and K. Schulten},
title = {Topology-{C}onserving {M}aps for {L}earning {V}isuo-{M}otor-{C}oordination},
journal = {Neural Networks},
volume = {2},
pages = {159--168},
year = {1989},
url = {https://www.inb.uni-luebeck.de/fileadmin/files/publications/inb-publications/pdfs/RiMaSc89a.pdf}

T. Martinetz, H. Ritter, and K. Schulten,
Kohonen's {S}elf-organizing {M}ap for {M}odeling the {F}ormation of the {A}uditory {C}ortex of a {B}at, in Connectionism in Perspective , R. Pfeifer and Z. Schreter and F. Fogelman-Soulie and L. Steels, Eds. Amsterdam , 1989. pp. 403--412.
Datei: MaRiSc89a.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {T. Martinetz and H. Ritter and K. Schulten},
title = {Kohonen's {S}elf-organizing {M}ap for {M}odeling the {F}ormation of the {A}uditory {C}ortex of a {B}at},
editor = {R. Pfeifer and Z. Schreter and F. Fogelman-Soulie and L. Steels},
booktitle = {Connectionism in Perspective},
address = {Amsterdam},
pages = {403--412},
year = {1989},
url = {https://www.inb.uni-luebeck.de/fileadmin/files/publications/inb-publications/pdfs/MaRiSc89a.pdf}

H. Ritter, T. Martinetz, and K. Schulten,
Ein {G}ehirn für {R}oboter - {W}ie neuronale {N}etzwerke {R}oboter steuern können, MC-Computermagazin , vol. 2, pp. 48--61, 1989.
Datei: RiMaSc89.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. Ritter and T. Martinetz and K. Schulten},
title = {Ein {G}ehirn f{\"u}r {R}oboter - {W}ie neuronale {N}etzwerke {R}oboter steuern k{\"o}nnen},
journal = {MC-Computermagazin},
volume = {2},
pages = {48--61},
year = {1989},
url = {https://www.inb.uni-luebeck.de/fileadmin/files/publications/inb-publications/pdfs/RiMaSc89.pdf}

T. Martinetz, H. Ritter, and K. Schulten,
3{D}-{N}eural-{N}et for {L}earning {V}isuomotor-{C}oordination of a {R}obot {A}rm, in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN-89), Washington 1989 , 1989. pp. 351--356.
Datei: MaRiSc89.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {T. Martinetz and H. Ritter and K. Schulten},
title = {3{D}-{N}eural-{N}et for {L}earning {V}isuomotor-{C}oordination of a {R}obot {A}rm},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN-89), Washington 1989},
volume = {II},
pages = {351--356},
year = {1989},
url = {https://www.inb.uni-luebeck.de/fileadmin/files/publications/inb-publications/pdfs/MaRiSc89.pdf}


T. Martinetz,
Selbstorganisierte visuo-motorische {K}opplung, Technical University of Munich, 1988.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {T. Martinetz},
title = {Selbstorganisierte visuo-motorische {K}opplung},
year = {1988},
school = {Technical University of Munich},
note = {Diploma Thesis}


D. Pruss, G. Huber, and H. G. Danielmeyer,
Synchroton {R}adiation time-resolved {S}tudy of {L}attice {C}hanges induced by {L}aser {P}ulse {E}xcitation, Acta Chryst. , vol. A73, Suppl. S, pp. C-306, 1981.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {D. Pruss and G. Huber and H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Synchroton {R}adiation time-resolved {S}tudy of {L}attice {C}hanges induced by {L}aser {P}ulse {E}xcitation},
journal = {Acta Chryst.},
volume = {A73, Suppl. S},
pages = {C-306},
year = {1981}


G. Huber, and H. G. Danielmeyer,
Recent {D}evelopments in {S}olid {S}tate {L}aser {M}aterials II: Spectroscopic and {L}aser {P}roperties, in Proc. Intl. Conf. on Lasers, Orlando , 1980.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {G. Huber and H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Recent {D}evelopments in {S}olid {S}tate {L}aser {M}aterials II: Spectroscopic and {L}aser {P}roperties},
booktitle = {Proc. Intl. Conf. on Lasers, Orlando},
year = {1980}


G. Huber, and H. G. Danielmeyer,
{NdP5O14} and {NdAl3(BO3)4} {L}asers at 1.3 ym, Appl. Phys. , vol. 18, pp. 77, 1979.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {G. Huber and H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {{NdP5O14} and {NdAl3(BO3)4} {L}asers at 1.3 ym},
journal = {Appl. Phys.},
volume = {18},
pages = {77},
year = {1979}


H. D. Hattendorf, G. Huber, and H. G. Danielmeyer,
Efficient {C}ross {P}umping of {Nd3+ by Cr3+ in Nd(AlCr)3(BO3)4}, J. Phys. , vol. C11, pp. 2399, 1978.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. D. Hattendorf and G. Huber and H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Efficient {C}ross {P}umping of {Nd3+ by Cr3+ in Nd(AlCr)3(BO3)4}},
journal = {J. Phys.},
volume = {C11},
pages = {2399},
year = {1978}

G. Huber, and H. G. Danielmeyer,
Miniature {Nd3+} {L}asers at 1.3 ym, in IEEE Catalogue 78 , 1978. pp. 631.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {G. Huber and H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Miniature {Nd3+} {L}asers at 1.3 ym},
booktitle = {IEEE Catalogue 78},
pages = {631},
year = {1978}


M. Sargent III, P. Toschek, and H. G. Danielmeyer,
Unidirectional Saturation Spectroscopy I: Theory and short Dipole Lifetime Limit, Appl. Phys. , vol. 11, pp. 55, 1976.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {M. Sargent III and P. Toschek and H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Unidirectional {S}aturation {S}pectroscopy I: Theory and short {D}ipole {L}ifetime {L}imit},
journal = {Appl. Phys.},
volume = {11},
pages = {55},
year = {1976}

H. G. Danielmeyer,
Efficiency and {F}luorescence {Q}uenching in of {S}toichiometric {R}are {E}arth {L}aser {M}aterials, J. Luminescence , vol. 12/13, pp. 179, 1976.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Efficiency and {F}luorescence {Q}uenching in of {S}toichiometric {R}are {E}arth {L}aser {M}aterials},
journal = {J. Luminescence},
volume = {12/13},
pages = {179},
year = {1976}


G. Huber, W. W. Krühler, W. Bludau, and H. G. Danielmeyer,
Anisotropy in the {L}aser {P}erformance of {NdP5O14}, Appl. Phys. , vol. 4, pp. 358, 1975.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {G. Huber and W. W. Kr{\"u}hler and W. Bludau and H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Anisotropy in the {L}aser {P}erformance of {NdP5O14}},
journal = {Appl. Phys.},
volume = {4},
pages = {358},
year = {1975}

W. W. Krühler, G. Huber, H. G. Danielmeyer, and V. Nekvasil,
Correlations between {S}ite Geometries and {L}evel {E}nergies in the {L}aser {S}ystem {Nd1-xYxP5O14}, Appl. Phys. , vol. 8, pp. 261, 1975.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {W. W. Kr{\"u}hler and G. Huber and H. G. Danielmeyer and V. Nekvasil},
title = {Correlations between {S}ite Geometries and {L}evel {E}nergies in the {L}aser {S}ystem {Nd1-xYxP5O14}},
journal = {Appl. Phys.},
volume = {8},
pages = {261},
year = {1975}

H. G. Danielmeyer,
Oscillators and {A}mplifiers for integrated {O}ptics, Opto-Electronics Laser , vol. 75, pp. 20, 1975.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Oscillators and {A}mplifiers for integrated {O}ptics},
journal = {Opto-Electronics Laser},
volume = {75},
pages = {20},
year = {1975}

G. Huber, W. B. Holzapfel, and H. G. Danielmeyer,
Pressure {E}ffects on the {Eu3+}-{F}luorescence in {E}uropium {P}entaphosphate, in Europhys. Conf. Abstracts 1A , 1975. pp. 94.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {G. Huber and W. B. Holzapfel and H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Pressure {E}ffects on the {Eu3+}-{F}luorescence in {E}uropium {P}entaphosphate},
booktitle = {Europhys. Conf. Abstracts 1A},
pages = {94},
year = {1975}

H. G. Danielmeyer,
Progress in {Nd:YAG Lasers}, in Lasers, {A Series of Advances IV} , A. K. Levine and A. J. DeMaria, Eds. Marcel Deccer Inc., 1975.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Progress in {Nd:YAG Lasers}},
booktitle = {Lasers, {A Series of Advances IV}},
editor = {A. K. Levine and A. J. DeMaria},
publisher = {Marcel Deccer Inc.},
year = 1975,
note = {Also Habilitation}

H. G. Danielmeyer,
Stoichiometric {L}aser {M}aterials, in Festkörperprobleme XV - Advances in Solid State Physics , H. J. Queisser, Eds. Vieweg, 1975.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Stoichiometric {L}aser {M}aterials},
booktitle = {Festk{\"o}rperprobleme XV - Advances in Solid State Physics},
editor = {H. J. Queisser},
publisher = {Vieweg},
year = {1975}


H. G. Danielmeyer, and W. N. Leiboldt,
Ultrastable {T}unable {S}ingle {F}requency {Nd: YAG Laser}, Appl. Phys. , vol. 3, pp. 193, 1974.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer and W. N. Leiboldt},
title = {Ultrastable {T}unable {S}ingle {F}requency {Nd: YAG Laser}},
journal = {Appl. Phys.},
volume = {3},
pages = {193},
year = {1974}

G. Huber, J. P. Jeser, W. W. Krühler, and H. G. Danielmeyer,
Laser {A}ction in {P}entaphosphate {C}rystals, IEEE J. Quantum Electr. , vol. 1O, pp. 766, 1974.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {G. Huber and J. P. Jeser and W. W. Kr{\"u}hler and H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Laser {A}ction in {P}entaphosphate {C}rystals},
journal = {IEEE J. Quantum Electr.},
volume = {1O},
pages = {766},
year = {1974}

H. G. Danielmeyer, J. P. Jeser, E. Schönherr, and W. Stetter,
The Growths of {L}aser {Q}uality {NdP5O14} {C}rystals, J. Crystal Growth , vol. 22, pp. 298, 1974.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer and J. P. Jeser and E. Sch{\"o}nherr and W. Stetter},
title = {The Growths of {L}aser {Q}uality {NdP5O14} {C}rystals},
journal = {J. Crystal Growth},
volume = {22},
pages = {298},
year = {1974}


H. G. Danielmeyer, G. Huber, W. W. Krühler, and J. P. Jeser,
Continuous {O}scillation of a {(Sc,Nd)-Pentaphosphate} {L}aser with 4 {M}illiwatts {P}ump {T}hreshold, Appl. Phys. , vol. 2, pp. 335, 1973.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer and G. Huber and W. W. Kr{\"u}hler and J. P. Jeser},
title = {Continuous {O}scillation of a {(Sc,Nd)-Pentaphosphate} {L}aser with 4 {M}illiwatts {P}ump {T}hreshold},
journal = {Appl. Phys.},
volume = {2},
pages = {335},
year = {1973}

M. Blätte, H. G. Danielmeyer, and R. Ulrich,
Energy {T}ransfer and the complete {L}evel {S}ystem of {NdUP}, Appl. Phys. , vol. 1, pp. 275, 1973.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {M. Bl{\"a}tte and H. G. Danielmeyer and R. Ulrich},
title = {Energy {T}ransfer and the complete {L}evel {S}ystem of {NdUP}},
journal = {Appl. Phys.},
volume = {1},
pages = {275},
year = {1973}

H. G. Danielmeyer, M. Blätte, and P. Palmer,
Fluorescence {Q}uenching in {Nd:YAG}, Appl. Phys. , vol. 1, pp. 269, 1973.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer and M. Bl{\"a}tte and P. Palmer},
title = {Fluorescence {Q}uenching in {Nd:YAG}},
journal = {Appl. Phys.},
volume = {1},
pages = {269},
year = {1973}

H. P. Weber, T. C. Damen, H. G. Danielmeyer, and B. C. Tofield,
Nd-{U}ltraphosphate {L}aser, Appl. Phys. Lett. , vol. 22, pp. 534, 1973.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. P. Weber and T. C. Damen and H. G. Danielmeyer and B. C. Tofield},
title = {Nd-{U}ltraphosphate {L}aser},
journal = {Appl. Phys. Lett.},
volume = {22},
pages = {534},
year = {1973}

W. W. Krühler, J. P. Jeser, and H. G. Danielmeyer,
Properties and {L}aser {O}scillation of the {(Nd,Y)-Pentaphosphate System}, Appl. Phys. , vol. 2, pp. 329, 1973.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {W. W. Kr{\"u}hler and J. P. Jeser and H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Properties and {L}aser {O}scillation of the {(Nd,Y)-Pentaphosphate System}},
journal = {Appl. Phys.},
volume = {2},
pages = {329},
year = {1973}


H. G. Danielmeyer, and F. W. Ostermayer Jr.,
Diode {P}ump modulated {Nd: YAG Laser,1.}, Appl. Phys. , vol. 43, pp. 2911, 1972.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer and F. W. Ostermayer Jr.},
title = {Diode {P}ump modulated {Nd: YAG Laser,1.}},
journal = {Appl. Phys.},
volume = {43},
pages = {2911},
year = {1972}

H. G. Danielmeyer, and H. P. Weber,
Fluorescence in {N}eodymium {U}ltraphosphate, IEEE J. Qiantum Electr. , vol. QE-8, pp. 805, 1972.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer and H. P. Weber},
title = {Fluorescence in {N}eodymium {U}ltraphosphate},
journal = {IEEE J. Qiantum Electr.},
volume = {QE-8},
pages = {805},
year = {1972}


H. G. Danielmeyer, and H. P. Weber,
Direct {M}easurement of the {G}roup {V}elocity of {L}ight, Phys. Rev. , vol. 3A, pp. 1708, 1971.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer and H. P. Weber},
title = {Direct {M}easurement of the {G}roup {V}elocity of {L}ight},
journal = {Phys. Rev.},
volume = {3A},
pages = {1708},
year = {1971}

H. G. Danielmeyer, and E. H. Turner,
Electrooptic {E}limination of spectral {H}ole burning in Lasers, Appl. Phys. Lett. , vol. 17, pp. 519, 1971.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer and E. H. Turner},
title = {Electrooptic {E}limination of spectral {H}ole burning in Lasers},
journal = {Appl. Phys. Lett.},
volume = {17},
pages = {519},
year = {1971}

H. G. Danielmeyer, and J. M. Barro,
Laser {P}ump {C}avity with {C}onical {G}eometry, Appl. Opt. , vol. 10, pp. 1983, 1971.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer and J. M. Barro},
title = {Laser {P}ump {C}avity with {C}onical {G}eometry},
journal = {Appl. Opt.},
volume = {10},
pages = {1983},
year = {1971}


H. G. Danielmeyer,
Aperture corrections for {S}ound {A}bsorption {M}easurements with {L}ight {S}cattering, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. , vol. 47, pp. 151, 1970.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Aperture corrections for {S}ound {A}bsorption {M}easurements with {L}ight {S}cattering},
journal = {J. Acoust. Soc. Am.},
volume = {47},
pages = {151},
year = {1970}

H. G. Danielmeyer,
Low {F}requency {D}ynamics of homogeneously broadened {F}our-{L}evel {CW} {L}asers, J. Appl. Phys. , vol. 41, pp. 4014, 1970.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Low {F}requency {D}ynamics of homogeneously broadened {F}our-{L}evel {CW} {L}asers},
journal = {J. Appl. Phys.},
volume = {41},
pages = {4014},
year = {1970}

H. P. Weber, and H. G. Danielmeyer,
Multimode {E}ffects in {I}ntensity {C}orrelation {M}easurements, Phys. Rev. , vol. 2A, pp. 2074, 1970.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. P. Weber and H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Multimode {E}ffects in {I}ntensity {C}orrelation {M}easurements},
journal = {Phys. Rev.},
volume = {2A},
pages = {2074},
year = {1970}

H. G. Danielmeyer, and W. G Nilsen,
Spontaneous {S}ingle {F}requency {O}utput from a spatiually homogeneous {Nd:YAG Laser}, Appl. Phys. Lett. , vol. 16, pp. 124, 1970.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer and W. G Nilsen},
title = {Spontaneous {S}ingle {F}requency {O}utput from a spatiually homogeneous {Nd:YAG Laser}},
journal = {Appl. Phys. Lett.},
volume = {16},
pages = {124},
year = {1970}

H. G. Danielmeyer,
Stabilized efficient single {F}requency {Nd: YAG Laser}, IEEE J Quantum Electr. , vol. QE-6, pp. 101, 1970.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {H. G. Danielmeyer},
title = {Stabilized efficient single {F}requency {Nd: YAG Laser}},
journal = {IEEE J Quantum Electr.},
volume = {QE-6},
pages = {101},
year = {1970}